Saturday 24 January 2009

Good form/bad form

I'm a firm believer that given nobody is 100% exactly the same it follows that we all move differently. I think trying to shoehorn in Good Form - adjusting one's running technique - solely for the purposes of aesthetics is wasting effort.

What I believe to be a good application of technique adjustment is where poor form causes injury. Forget speed or looking great - if what you do makes you broke then ya gotta change something, innit?

I saw the physio/podiatrist this week as my old orthotics are coming to the end of their 12 month life. I mentioned I was starting to feel a little tight in the IT Band area. Okay - refreshed orthotics help but I have minor bit of 'form' to work on. Take a look at my London Marathon sponsorship page (go on chip in while your at it!). See how my second toe, knee and hip are somewhat out of line? That's the problem. The result of these poor Biomenchanics is friction on the IT Band.

Working on it.

Right - got my first sponsors this week - Hurrah! The beggin letters really start in Feb...

Followed the training plan this week pretty well:

Mon - recovery run on t'mill
Tue - Gym
Wed - 5.5 miles
Thu - utterly friggin knackered - rested.
fri - Gym

Resting/blogging today. Wokingham Half Marathon dress rehearsal tomorrow. I must be mad as the weather today is really quite nice (I hope Kate enjoys the dry!) but tomorrow looks rubbish. I'm hopeful for less rain I admit but not overly fussed. I spent money on the right gear so I'm going to get it ready now.

More updates in the coming week.

Waddle on chums as The Penguin says.

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