Tuesday, 29 December 2009

You only need one website tracking code.

All your tracking code are belong to us...

As the old saying goes 'if you don't measure it, you can't improve it'. So, any website owner worth their salt is going to have some sort of website performance tracking. Google Analytics is popular. Omniture is good. Yahoo Web Analytics is also good and free like Google's Analytics.

Chances are the website owner will be marketing their site to the hilt these days. Paid adverts, email, social media (Twitter, blogging etc) are all examples of online marketing that take time, effort and money - investment in other words. Likewise, the sophisticated website owner may well be using affiliates to drive traffic and running A/B or multivariate tests to maximise bang per buck. Yet again, if you don't measure the effectiveness of these efforts, how will their impact be quantified?

Glance at the list below. All these commonly used techniques will more than likely have their own tracking mechanism:

  • email

  • affiliate

  • A/B & MV testing

  • paid advertising

  • social media links

  • mobile usage

Tracking codes normally use javascript and typically involve some sort of invisible tracking pixel. A 1x1 px gif is pulled from a central server with a query string payload to report data back to the relevant mothership.

All the javascript involved with these tracking codes can start to get a little bit unwieldy very quickly. Unwieldy and posing some risk too.

First of all, your code can get messy. Easy fix - abstract the code out into one minimised & externalised javascript.

Okay so far? What about the latency of all those 3rd party tracking gifs? Only 1x1 px is tiny but you still have to open HTTP connections to a potentially broken 3rd party...hmm?

Even worse if their tracking code is javascript based and either a) it's broken or b) you broke it! How annoying (and damaging to your business) is a javascript error caused by 3rd party javascript?

Again, the abstracted, minimised & externalised library is a good move here. You can do clever things like start using new versions of tracking codes without having undue pain (http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/asyncTracking.html).

Having said all that, there are a more nightmares waiting for you. Having spent time and effort on Google Analytics implementations, getting the code working for a wide range of measurements, the final step is to calibrate the tracking. When you get 4 unique visitors, 6 onsite searches, 3 sales, 2 bounced visits and a partridge in a pear tree (seasonal blog post!) on your site, you need to be 100% certain that your analytics code is reporting the data accurately. Not confusing bounces or missing transactions or messing up key outcomes. You need to be sure. I'll make sure your GA tracking is spot on - did I mention that already?

Anyway, having got your tracking code accuracy AND precision nailed, can you be sure of the same QA on third party tracking? Do they even work in the same way? Are sessions recorded in the same way? Is the view of the data consistent and properly calibrated?

Does it even need to be?

I say no. ALL third party tracking nonsense should go straight in the bin and be replaced with one solution to track them all. There are so many similar technology formats that a common tracking protocol is entirely feasible. For sure, any affiliate/adwords/email marketing house should be able to offer a custom report/segment/profile & filter that will achieve the required reporting without extra bloat/risk/hassle/cost.

Until such a beast available we'll have to make do with properly implemented and tidied (abstracted, externalised and minimised) javascript libraries and insist on published and verifiable calibration data from the third parties.

Performance tracking should not eat into our margins.

This effort will continue.

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Time flies huh? A whiff of introspection.

Has it been that long since my last post? Yup...

Yeah time flies but I don't. Or at least I haven't for a while. Been traveling for work. Working for work. Running has tailed off too but I'm getting back into that.

Work, work, work huh?

Well, I got to go have a great weekend in Munich with friends which was great fun. I think I put on a wee bit of weight but it was fun doing it ;-)

I look back at the pictures of when I did the London Marathon and I have to agree with a wise friend of mine - too thin. Weight feels about right now.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

@sendmeasearch @rankmysite

I was in a conference recently listening to a great speaker. He rattled of insight after insight, fact after fact, juicy nugget of wisdom after...well, you get the idea - he was good.

I was rapt.

I wanted to follow up on what he was talking about but to avert my attention to Google for subjects would be a) rude and b) I would miss something.

I needed to search but it was inconvenient.

I needed to get my research going but in a way that I would follow it up.

So, @sendmeasearch was born. @sendmeasearch is a twitter app that will search Yahoo, Google and Bing, pull the results of the searches together and mail you the results. It is really an app for the mobile user in a rush but as paid adverts are stripped from the search results, it's also a handy search engine marketeers tool. More on that in a moment.

How does it work?


You need to be using Twitter first.

Tweet 'help' to @sendmeasearch:

You'll get 7 tweets back:

So, as it says, follow @sendmeasearch:

And it'll follow you right back...well in about 10 mins or less anyway:

So, now you need to Direct Message your email address to @sendmeasearch. Direct Messages are private between you and the recipient - safe!

Of course, if your email address is longer than 140 chars it won't work...perhaps a sensible alias is required?

So, you're now friends. W00t1! Now you can get searching when and where you want and you're searches will be ready in your inbox when you get back to your desk.

What coud possibly go wrong?

Even though the process is simple I guess things could still happen in the wrong order.

Either of these messages could get tweeted backatcha if things don't go according to plan. you could always comment on this post if things go really silly....

Sorry, we havn't been properly introduced. ;-( Why not tweet 'help' to me so we can get to know each other?

Sorry, couldn't understand your request. ;-( Why not tweet 'help' to me?

BTW, if you want to change your registered email address, just DM @sendmeasearch again with a new email address...


Finally, having done a successful mashup of Twitter and search I thought, well, why not interrogate the search results to see where certain sites rank for a given search phrase?

No registration required
Just tweet like this:

And you'll get results tweeted backatcha:

there are limits on the size of search results that are parsed but beyond a sensible limit the information is less interesting anyway....

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Industrial furniture

A couple of years go I owned a share in a Piper PA-28 (G-BEMW). If you take a look at the photo, the grey propeller actually is now sitting on the wall of my dining room in a fully polished format looking utterly super.

The guys at www.motoart.com have done the same thing but times a thousand. The furniture there is incredible. Given access to some aviation scrap, I'd love to have a crack at doing something even a fraction as good.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Sorry but this is life changing stuff....

The way we *all* use the internet will change our lives drastically in the next 5 years. No shit Sherlock!

How much do you think our lives have changed already though? Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Blogs......you may not use them all....some of these things might make you question their worth in your current lifestyle but they cannot be ignored for the potential they have to disrupt life is unprecedented. Embrace them for a positive experience is my advice. You won't be able to ignore them forever:

NOW do you think our lives have changed already? Can you even begin to imagine what the next five years of change will bring? I can't but I'm bloody excited about it!

Sunday, 19 July 2009

A day of rest or a dose of reality

I just read a perculiar headline on the BBC website regarding "Sunday Ferry makes first sailing".

Huh? Is it not the case that public transport has offered services across the UK on Sundays for some time and why shouldn't it? Apparently the Hebredian Island of Stornaway has only just got a Sunday ferry service and there are some staunch supporters of 'the sabbath as a day of rest' who are a bit upset about it. A small group of supporters prayed 'for the nation to turn its back from sin and wickedness'. Now, the last time I used ferry service I wouldn't have described it as 'sinful' or 'wicked'. Much as I respect the right of individuals to voice their opinions peacfully I think the protestors objection lacks logic.

If a ferry service serves those who want and need it and is happily provided, I would suggest a 'live and let live' stance rather than whining and bleating curries more favour. If folks thought me an idiot, I would remain silent rather than opening my trap and confirming their suspicions...

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

First post from Android!

Is there anything it can't do?

That's that one over folks - THANKS!

Flora London Marathon Total funds raised - £1,914.34

As near as damn it hitting my £2k target.


Anyway, I did 5k on the weekend and my legs still hurt! 2 months off running is quite telling....back on it now though.

While I'm having a random warble...

Next time I apply for a job I'm going to ask to be paid 'chicken feed' like BoJo abd then chuck a hissy when it isn't £250k. Pillock.

Also - Android phones rule. I searched for a screen protector and white silicone case and found a crumby 'mobile accessories.co.uk' site that wanted to charge me £15 AND sign in/create an account...probably would have saved my credit card details 'for later use' too. No thanks. Amazon search yielded the same products with a headphone adapter for a tenner. WIN!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

More yummy flying goodness

So, another 1.3 hours today or 75 mins in real money. 24 degrees C, 10kt wind across the runway with 15kt gusts. Kinda fun! Also a busy circuit. Denham has quite a small circuit, with rotary traffic coming hither and thither students doing glide approaches and go-arounds leads to good fun - as long as you are on top of your game. Am I on top of mine? Well, 3.3 hours in the last two weeks after a one year layoff does not an ace pilot make but I felt I was getting somewhere today - actually driving the plane rather than being driven ;-)

Also, the local area nav is a little different. Simple procedures really but the first time I do it on my own will require 100% focus.

From the base leg on 06 you get a decent view of the city, Wembly (the arch) and Northolt - my back garden! T'other end is lakes - sweet. Nice to have some variety.

Notes to self:

Don't bank too much on climb out turning cross wind.
aim for a shallower than previous landing attitude,.
1000' out to VRPs and then 2300 strictly until clear of LTMA
Avoid Berkhampstead - corner of Luton zone
Aim for Bovingdon (BNN) and then VRPs for rejoin with RT @ BNN

That'll do for now.

Oh, and busier feet pls!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Less than a year has passed since I last flew...

Crikey cripes, lawks and by jimmeny, 364 days since last flight! I noticed this startling fact after my flight @ Denham on Saturday. It's a sad fact that I left it so long but now I am happy to say I still got it! I think I have some way to go to get a shot at Top Gun though. A little rusty in places but generally not too bad.

Denham is a bit different to White Waltham. A much tighter circuit, no overhead joins, a little more procedure on the R/T and some procedures for getting in and out of the zone via a couple of VRPs as Denham is inside the LTMA. Nothing too onerous - actually quite fun as a new challenge.

More to come this Sat!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Oh - and by the way....

Worst Film EVER (x100)

Snakes on a plane.

Never watch it. Bad beyond belief. Goes beyond "so bad it's funny". Wasn't funny. "Made me angry bad" is more like it.

Post weekend catch up

Man that was a hot half marathon. Completing that race was tough - well done all!

Finish timeAvg bpm

Well done the (Jenson) Bunsen burner for Monaco - dull race but good result. The question now is not 'if' but 'when'. Singapore?

Right - time for a busy 4 day week.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Yay! Rant time!

First of all - this weekend is the Wokingham Half Marathon.....finally! It was postponed due to the snow in Feb so major credit to the organisers and sponsors for finally holding the race. I hope numbers will be good as the weather is forecast great (too warm?) but it is a bank holiday weekend so will people be off doing other things (like fast Bob?!).

Anyway, I have only trained up to ten miles - fairly comfy but this is the least training I have ever done for a race! I have my new 'marathon spec' sunnies so I'll probably be racing like a 'caged animal' anyway.

Right. This morning. Tube idiocy. So, you get on the train and head for a seat. Do you think the train will start moving at some point? Most non-idiots will hope if not expect the train to start moving fairly soon after the doors close. Why-oh-why do seemingly hundreds of utter brain-dead meat sacks insist on trying to sit down just as the train starts moving resulting in them stamping on my feet and punching me as they try not to fall over. It's all very 'Top Gear' as in - 'How hard can it be?'.....and 'ambitious but rubbish'. Ambitious in so far as these morons leave the house in the morning and try to get through a day without thinking about other humans and expect to not piss other people off. Rubbish in so far as they fail miserably. Morons piss every one off. Member of Parliament morons piss everyone off at the moment. 'I know - I'll make myself excessively rich by pilfering public money...that's bound to remain a great secret and therefore will piss no one off.' Morons. Sack them all. Lumley for PM!

Cretins annoy me.

Misuse of the 'reply-all' button annoys me.

Ignorance, rudeness and prejudice annoys me.

Lacking a sense of humour just encourages me.....*mischief*.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Wah! Google ate my baby!

I have Google alerts set up for various things I am interested in. One of which is Google Analytics. Now, The big G had a routing issue last week apparently. Personally I didn't notice anything - perhaps it was localised? Anyway, the main subject of conversation in my Google Analytics alert was how GA being 'down' stopped sites working. Even the irksome rag 'The London Paper' covered the story with a quote from one poor soul who couldn't use his Internet Banking because the site was waiting for Google Analytics. Now I pity this guys because he is clearly using a substandard site.

Why is the site waiting for GA? In order for GA to do it's thing, it needs to download ga.js or urchin.js from Google...assuming Google is there is course. So in the unlikely event of Google being slow or down


'course if you wanna get real smart, you'll make sure your site is easily configurable to handle third party system outages. Can your site gracefully degrade or does it die in a puddle of it's own piss as most sites seem to causing days of misplaced whining about Google?

Crumbs, the media frenzy is almost at the 'MP's expenses are wrong!' level of froth...

Monday, 11 May 2009

I'm back!

Having rested for two weeks and got my focus back on home, work and non-running projects I decided it was time to start Wokingham Half Marathon preparations. I'm resigned to the fact that this half is not going to be a PB so I just want to make sure I'm reasonably fit....as in I can finish under 2:30!

In the mean time I want to:

Fly (full size, models and kites)
Paint my house
Build a deck
Get a new shed
Build a gym in the garage
Buy a new flat to rent out
Get all the Google qualifications I can for Moneyspyder
Holiday (twice)
Enjoy summer (flying and running)
Get my 10k pb close to 50 mins

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

All done - London Marathon 2009 finished

I've had a couple of days to recover, compose my thoughts, commit memories and upload photos since I completed the London Marathon. The experience in summary - AWESOME! The crowds were incredible, the support was fantastic and the weather was HOT!

I committed before hand to giving 100% to the marathon. I said 'I want to cross the line feeling 100% spent - I do not want anything left in the tank'. I did not let you down. The last 6 miles were the loudest, longest, hardest and most fulfilling miles I have ever done. I find it hard to put into words the the range and intensity of emotions you feel as you go round. During my five and a half hours on the course I had ups and downs. The biggest high was seeing my support team at mile 19 - James, you were the loudest for sure, good on yer! The whole team was fantastic - it was so great seeing you all and I will never forget your support. The low point was around miles 23-25 - I missed seeing Sue and Nigel which makes me feel bad - sorry guys. If I missed anyone else on my way round - I'm truly sorry but the last 6 miles took everything I had. My ignorance wasn't intentional.

The question most people are asking right now is - 'will you do it again?' Maybe....but not right now! I would say to anyone contemplating doing a marathon - 'Do London - it's great. Some say it's the best but I don't have anything to compare it to. Also, train like you have never trained before....then train some more - it'll be harder than you think but also better than you could imagine'.

Photos - here

I couldn't have done this without the support and advice from all my friends and especially Marie - it was a major team effort.



Thursday, 23 April 2009

A big weekend

480 miles, 2880 minutes in the gym, 3 pairs of running shoes constant support and advice from Marie and my friends and 23 wonderful, generous and wise sponsors are all essential ingredients required to complete the Flora London Marathon this Sunday. That's great 'cos thats what I have and that's what I'm going to do.

Here are some useful facts for the day if you still want the sweaty hug:

I am number 37779. Text the word 'run' to 83040 to keep track of my progress every 5k.

I'll be aiming for 5.5mph or 11-12 minute miles. You can trace the following points on the Interactive FLM Map

The 'real' start time is about 10:00. So I expect to be just past the Cutty Sark by 11-11:30.

I'll be halfway - TowerBridge - at about lunch time, say 12:30-13:00.

I'll be around Canary Wharf near the famous traffic light sculpture twice - it's the best place to catch me then - at 15 miles and 19 miles - so that's about 3 hours in and 4 hours in - 13:00 - 14:00.

So, then I'll be in relatively uncharted territory going beyond 20 miles down The Embankment for the next hour or so. You won't get on the Mall unless you have tickets and my two tickets have already been snapped up by my Mum I'm afraid so the next best place to catch me is when I'll appear emotionally and physically wrecked in Horse Guards parade about 30 mins after crossing the line. Let's say I manage 5 - 5:30, that'll be 15:30 - 16:00 by the letter 'D'.

A good idea would be to keep an eye out for the flag.

If you come on the day, I really hope I can catch you on the way - your support means a *huge* amount to me (Sweaty hug is optional of course). If you don't make it on the day - no problem, if you sponsored me - THANK YOU! Every donation makes a huge difference - I appreciate your support as does everyone who is affected by Diabetes - the numbers are still growing. If you haven't had chance to dig deep yet - no worries, there is still time! Just head over to my Just Giving page and hammer the plastic ;-)

Thanks again for all your support over the last 6 months - Sunday is going to be a great day!


Monday, 13 April 2009

Two weeks to go till FLM '09

6 months ago I bought a couple of sets of trainers, joined a gym and started building miles, running further and further. I worked on my core fitness. I designed a schedule to work to with the final aim of running 26.2 miles around central London on April 16 2009.

In less than two weeks I will achieve that goal. Many of you have sponsored me - for your support I am grateful. Many of you are about to sponsor me - for that you have my thanks and respect.

If you turn up on the day and are looking for a sweaty hug from me - I'll be keeping roughly to a 5 hour schedule so you know 'when' to find me. You should be able to spot me in the crowd but if you have trouble, my vest has my name on it...

It's one heck of a day for supporters and runners alike. For those watching I'm hoping for sunshine for you but cool temperatures for the runners. You'll have a great day - make sure you support everyone you see running - not just me.

So, having completed an easy 10 miles today - that's not me being arrogant or anything - seriously, the pace was easy and by now the distance is a no-brainer - I looking to carb load and maintain fitness over the next few days aiming to be fresh and ready. This means lots of stretching, light gym work and a 6 miler on Sunday to round off the training.

My new shoes a luverly. They feel like I have worn them forever. They'll be good. My kit choice is ready for the day. I have the ideal sorted with various options for less ideal conditions down to arctic with rain.

That'll be it for now then. Fitness - better than ever. Kit ready - loads of sponsors (more always needed). Timetable done.

Marathon time.

Next post - April 27th.

Wish me luck ;-)

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Taper? Next week...

17 miles today - easy pace. I left the run till the afternoon as the Malaysian GP held my attention pretty well (Go Brawn! The Brawn Supremacy- ha ha).

So, it was a pleasant spring day out there, semi cloudy/sunny. Not too warm. Starting out with a runners brekko of porridge with cinnamon and cried cranberries - yum! Early lunch was wholemeal pasta and salad. Not to heavy and good slow release carby stuff. I finished my eating prep with a Kellogs Cakey Bakey bar. Fluids - took large drinks bottle of weak squash and mini bottle of 'Go' carb juice (yuk!).

So energy gels are defenestrable. Looks like I don't need 'em. To be honest I would be surprised if anyone on the planet likes 'em. Sure, they work but yuk! There has to be an alternative...there is - a healthy carb heavy diet.

It was a lighter week last week - mill session on Monday after sports massage, 1 gym and 3.56 mi-week. This week I'd like to keep up the 2 x gym and 3 miles mid week with a recovery mill session tomorrow.

Get this though - 10 miles is all I need to do on the weekend! Go taper!

Monday, 30 March 2009

20 miles - done

4 hours. Sun. No iPod. No energy gel. Long run. Tired Legs. Smashing (!) sports massage today. No more stiffness. Still tired.

Mon - 30 mins mill
Tue - Gym
Wed - 6 miles
Thu - Gym
Fri - Rest
Sat - Rest
Sun - 13/14 miles



Monday, 23 March 2009


Nothing has gone out the window - I just wanted to use that word today...

So, last week - friggin busy work week. I will address that situation head on this week. I need to get some more east midweek miles in. I did a half hour mill session on Monday but nothing else running wise....no time ;-(

I got two good gym sessions in...just. Indeed, I still had ab soreness after my long run yesterday. 18 miles in 3:29. Jeez, that was a long run. I admit, the last mile was boooooring. I wanted to finish it off. I would have liked to have done more but I think my route needs more consideration. A more entertaining route taken slower will help. I've got one more mega long run in me before the big day (<5 weeks now) so I'll be getting more prepped before that one.

Still, nice sun yesterday and Marie's Garmin will be pressed into action for the day as the battery holds out better than my old favourite.

I'm chucking my current running trainers - the stitching is giving way on the outside and the lining around the heel is shredded! I could probably use them for decorating or what-have-you now but I think they are trashed as far as injury free long running goes.

This week - 1 or more 5k easy runs. Gym x2. 20 miles this weekend!


Then taper ;-)

Sunday, 15 March 2009

A Half Marathon in one bite

I have run a half marathon in one go - no walk breaks, no stopping for traffic at junctions, nothing - all the way in one go.....slowly it turns out in the grand scheme of things but the last two and a half miles all under 10 minutes each. Lumme!

So, a good week training. Another one to follow starting with a day off from work on Monday.

Back at the gym Tuesday etc. etc.

Exactly 6 weeks to go. OMG!

20 miles will happen soon.

Gracious it is a sweet looking day out there. Off to watch the rugger - go poms!

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Weekly marathon update, confession & punishment delivered.

I have been bad. For no good reason I didn't do my mid week run this week. I did the recovery run and gym x2 but the Wed run failed to materialise. I have been subconsciously thinking about punishing myself this weekend. With my knowledge I found the perfect lesson which turned into a great training run.

I had 16+ miles scheduled for this weekend so I guess I was bound to procrastinate a wee bit. I should have run on Saturday - the weather was lovely. I was a little stiff from Thursday evening at the gym (shoulders, leg presses and lots of core) so I thought - see how the afternoon goes as sleeping in was nice. Saturday afternoon was taken up revising for my GAIQ exam - more of which next week. So, Sunday dawns really nice - just like Sat but with slightly blowy wind. The forecasters on the BBC say it should stay dry so I elect to run on Sunday afternoon. Hmmm. 50 mins in to the run, just getting to Pinner Green and half a dozen spots hit the deck - no biggy... or so I thought.

  • Sleet

  • Rain

  • Hail

  • 130mph wind

Enough already. Man, that wind was cold having been stung with hail and soaked with sleet. Pinner Common is quite exposed. That was tough. I had the phone with me - thinking of quitting? NO WAY! This could be the best training for the day I've had yet. I thought about phoning Marie to bring my running rain coat - again, I thought NO WAY! Who knows where the wind and rain will strike on the 26th?....Suck it up and get over it. Actually, it was (not taking the piss here) pleasantly cooling. BPM dropped to a good level and pace went up - maybe I am most comfortable in the rain? Not the wind, rain, sleet AND hail mind you - just rain is okay.

So, the rain stopped at the half M. Sun comes out....legs are tired - pop in home? It's just round the corner or crank out the remaining 3 miles or so? Extra 3 miles plz.


Thank you, till next time ;-)

Monday, 2 March 2009

London Marathon flyover

This is what it's all about:

Some randomness first

Before I update here are two random thoughts to open this missive:

"Knowledge," said Brian O'Driscoll on Friday "is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad." - nice.

I saw a courier van this morning. On the side it said 'my little sister is a bike' - slightly double edged...enough to make me snigger.

Anyway - 14 easy miles yesterday - nice. didn't need fuel on the way and finished with a blood sugar level of 6.0 - perfect! 2:45 - okay time.

I tied my laces properly for this run, lace locked and the Ian knot - looks snazzy when you tie it.

I just managed a full week of training last week. I did one morning gym session and an evening gym session (no PT unfortunately) and two mill sessions.

Incidentally, My shoes are no up to 250 miles.

We'll see how out doors running goes this week in the evening. I fear we may be back into winter gear running - gonna turn cold again.

So, assuming the usual routine hangs together I'll be aiming for 16,16,20,14 for March.....yup there was a 20 in there!!!!

Well done to Bob and Nors on the Eastbourne half - go chums!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Twitter free post

Even though I'm micro-blogging elsewhere, this post is exclusive to this blog.

Right - update and details. I managed one gym session and one midweek run last week. Both were good quality and having moved offices on Friday I felt I had enough physical exertion for workdays. Yesterday.....well....EIGHTEEN FRIGGIN' MILES! That was a big step - well many many steps as it happens. A big leap in terms of distance and time (3:30) but my legs feel fine. I'll be stretching some more today and off to the gym tomorrow.

The run itself was an interesting set of ups and downs. Saturday Feb 21st was the first 'spring like' day of 2009 for us. I actually caught some sun on my head! Getting colour back is nice. At the start of the run I was seeking out the sun for the warmth but towards the end it was more a case of seek the shade for the cool. Over 11 miles I was starting to get tired of the new carb drink I tried this time. I made it a bit strong so a weaker formula next time. Lots of 'cakey bakey' bars for the long runs as well as tissues is good. North of 12 miles I started to sample 'the wall' but a cakey bakey got be back in form and 'zoning' out for the last two miles was actually okay. On balance, a good run - 150bpm avg and >4k calories.

This week should be interesting. Gonna be a busy work week so I'll see what I can fit in. Minimum I should aim for 2 gym, 1 midweek run of 10k (6 miles) and then I'll spend the next two weeks focusing on 14-16 miler runs on the weekend.

20 miles in March...

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Getting back on it

This post is brought to you by the great fresh taste of all my sponsors so far - love you all!

Anyway, dedication over and done with let's get down to the update. It's good for once. It seemed like I was getting into a rut but finally I got a great weekend of weather, no/less illness and well.....no excuses! Not that I was looking for excuses but picture the scene:

07:00, warm, snoozing, Sunday morning. It's okay outside but it isn't warm. The cats are just starting to be a pain in the arse. What do you do? The first option is always 'do nothing'. The ramifications of the nothing option are further cat annoyance, no sleep for me or Marie and ultimately a late run, probably in the dark. The other option is just to get on with it.

So, I took the latter option - not the easy option though. Breakfast was a power shake and black coffee - yummo! Breakfast was a cold affair as I elected to go for shorts today. So, I got all my other usual morning routine stuff out of the way (I'll spare you the details) and 09:00 comes around. Time to push through the energy gel disgustingness and get out of the door. I was thinking before I wrote this post, it would be neat to get the Garmin to plot another graph line of consciousness during run. The lower heart rate and even pace moments would be near slumber where the peaky, uneven pace sections would accompany elevated heart rate and higher states of awareness. The more aware I am of the pain of running long, the harder it gets to zone out into the even pace nirvana.

I found it [the zone] a few times today but I think having not had a long run for two weeks and getting over being ill has knocked my cardio fitness as well as putting me out of practice in terms of maintaining a pace and zoning out. It needs practice. I'll focus on this more so next week.

I have a theory. Whilst new routes are fun - the first time you run a new route - it sucks. You don't know how far round the route you are to gauge relative effort levels required to finish the workout. I'm going to stick with my Pinner/Harrow lap for my long runs. I know where I stand with this route. It's fairly flat with just the occasional incline and knowing the route makes zoning out more likely. I just hope I don't get bored.

We'll see.

Last week:


This week:

14+ (ideally 16)

Fingers crossed.

Monday, 9 February 2009

A rubbish week off.

Well, I haven't been ill like that for sometime - unless you count hangovers. I spent the whole week doing nothing other than the occasional stretching or BOSU session.

I'll be getting back on the horse this week. Mill tonight, gym this week and a long run on the weekend for sure.

I think the biggest effort this week will be getting the begging letter started!

More to report soon.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Eww - worst weekend EVER!

Maybe the title is a bit OTT but that was a 100% crappy weekend. No training. Ill.

Fingers crossed that this weather gets better for WHM this Sunday.


Sunday, 25 January 2009

It's getting warmer out there so don't stop to avoid the rain...

I think a title like that deserves some explanation. Just done a ten miler. I had meant to run with the running club this morning but the weather was hosing it down. Horrid! So I demonstrated my invertebrate nature and went back to bed...

I did go running when the rain stopped at 15:00 as forecast. Skins, Gore base layer, Adidas rain jacket, Hilly headband and running gloves. Gotta love that technical gear! All together too warm though so I lost the gloves and headband and soldiered on...and on and on etc. Didn't stop for 10 miles. Took it nice and easy - no rain, no pain and a 10 mile pb @ 1:44.


I wonder if I can take it even easier and run a whole half marathon without stopping....hmmm?

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Good form/bad form

I'm a firm believer that given nobody is 100% exactly the same it follows that we all move differently. I think trying to shoehorn in Good Form - adjusting one's running technique - solely for the purposes of aesthetics is wasting effort.

What I believe to be a good application of technique adjustment is where poor form causes injury. Forget speed or looking great - if what you do makes you broke then ya gotta change something, innit?

I saw the physio/podiatrist this week as my old orthotics are coming to the end of their 12 month life. I mentioned I was starting to feel a little tight in the IT Band area. Okay - refreshed orthotics help but I have minor bit of 'form' to work on. Take a look at my London Marathon sponsorship page (go on chip in while your at it!). See how my second toe, knee and hip are somewhat out of line? That's the problem. The result of these poor Biomenchanics is friction on the IT Band.

Working on it.

Right - got my first sponsors this week - Hurrah! The beggin letters really start in Feb...

Followed the training plan this week pretty well:

Mon - recovery run on t'mill
Tue - Gym
Wed - 5.5 miles
Thu - utterly friggin knackered - rested.
fri - Gym

Resting/blogging today. Wokingham Half Marathon dress rehearsal tomorrow. I must be mad as the weather today is really quite nice (I hope Kate enjoys the dry!) but tomorrow looks rubbish. I'm hopeful for less rain I admit but not overly fussed. I spent money on the right gear so I'm going to get it ready now.

More updates in the coming week.

Waddle on chums as The Penguin says.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

16 miles passed and still alive!

Hundreds of years ago, the cleverest folks around thought the human brain would explode if humans travelled at over 40mph. The hundred mile an hour barrier was next followed by the invisible wall in the sky - the sound barrier. All the barriers (perceived, psychological and supposedly scientific) were broken.

I always thought my legs would fall off after running 16 miles. It seems this is not the case. A lot of this lark is mental. Some would say you have to be mental to start but in all seriousness keeping going, gritting it out, 'gutsing' through a tough bit be it cold, up hill or through a low blood sugar spot is as much about psychological as physical. The training is as much for the brain as it is the body.

It wasn't easy I can tell ya but I did it and survived and intend to 'up' my record distance by 1 mile every two weeks or so until I hit 20. Then taper and hope.

I'm going to maintain the three runs a week I'm current managing - recovery on t'mill on Monday, 6+ miles mid-week and two gym sessions. The only days I am going to get up at stupid o'clock until the 26th of April are gym mornings. The rest of the time I'll be setting the automatic cat feeders and getting up at a more sensible hour.

Right now it gets harder because the weather is fairly crap but pretty much all my training is in the dark FFS. Gotta keep it sensible and positive - not letting the training become a chore is essential.

Till next week, here's the summary:

Monday, Sports Massage
Tuesday, Gym
Wed, rest
Thu, 6 miles
Fri, Gym
Sat, 16.12 miles
Sun, rest and stretch

total mileage (not including the mill) - 22.12

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Warning - extreme gore!

I really started to get back into some solid training this week. Hugely busy at work too but still getting the hours in - a total of 21 miles this week which is steadily improving with one 14.67 mile run - my longest and best yet. Avg. heart rate of 145bpm and right on marathon pace. I probably could have gone on to 15 but I thought it best to 'up' the mileage in a more controlled fashion.

Huge credit to Bob though who came out and ran the full 14.67 for his longest run ever too - the guy is amazing!

Two gym sessions this week - one with PT supposedly being gentle - pffft! Good session though.

The mid week run was my longest ever mid week run!

All going well.

Sports massage tomorrow.

Same schedule for this week - maybe a slow run around 5k tomorrow to recover.

Ah, yes....I forgot the gore. Well, for the 14 miler on Sat I forgot my running socks. Technical gear does work you know...carrying on the theme of biggest, best and furthest ever, here is my best blister ever - enjoy. Not suitable for the squeamish though. Be warned. I'll be draining it later. ;-)