Monday, 23 March 2009


Nothing has gone out the window - I just wanted to use that word today...

So, last week - friggin busy work week. I will address that situation head on this week. I need to get some more east midweek miles in. I did a half hour mill session on Monday but nothing else running time ;-(

I got two good gym sessions in...just. Indeed, I still had ab soreness after my long run yesterday. 18 miles in 3:29. Jeez, that was a long run. I admit, the last mile was boooooring. I wanted to finish it off. I would have liked to have done more but I think my route needs more consideration. A more entertaining route taken slower will help. I've got one more mega long run in me before the big day (<5 weeks now) so I'll be getting more prepped before that one.

Still, nice sun yesterday and Marie's Garmin will be pressed into action for the day as the battery holds out better than my old favourite.

I'm chucking my current running trainers - the stitching is giving way on the outside and the lining around the heel is shredded! I could probably use them for decorating or what-have-you now but I think they are trashed as far as injury free long running goes.

This week - 1 or more 5k easy runs. Gym x2. 20 miles this weekend!


Then taper ;-)

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