Monday, 2 March 2009

Some randomness first

Before I update here are two random thoughts to open this missive:

"Knowledge," said Brian O'Driscoll on Friday "is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad." - nice.

I saw a courier van this morning. On the side it said 'my little sister is a bike' - slightly double edged...enough to make me snigger.

Anyway - 14 easy miles yesterday - nice. didn't need fuel on the way and finished with a blood sugar level of 6.0 - perfect! 2:45 - okay time.

I tied my laces properly for this run, lace locked and the Ian knot - looks snazzy when you tie it.

I just managed a full week of training last week. I did one morning gym session and an evening gym session (no PT unfortunately) and two mill sessions.

Incidentally, My shoes are no up to 250 miles.

We'll see how out doors running goes this week in the evening. I fear we may be back into winter gear running - gonna turn cold again.

So, assuming the usual routine hangs together I'll be aiming for 16,16,20,14 for March.....yup there was a 20 in there!!!!

Well done to Bob and Nors on the Eastbourne half - go chums!

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