Tuesday, 28 April 2009

All done - London Marathon 2009 finished

I've had a couple of days to recover, compose my thoughts, commit memories and upload photos since I completed the London Marathon. The experience in summary - AWESOME! The crowds were incredible, the support was fantastic and the weather was HOT!

I committed before hand to giving 100% to the marathon. I said 'I want to cross the line feeling 100% spent - I do not want anything left in the tank'. I did not let you down. The last 6 miles were the loudest, longest, hardest and most fulfilling miles I have ever done. I find it hard to put into words the the range and intensity of emotions you feel as you go round. During my five and a half hours on the course I had ups and downs. The biggest high was seeing my support team at mile 19 - James, you were the loudest for sure, good on yer! The whole team was fantastic - it was so great seeing you all and I will never forget your support. The low point was around miles 23-25 - I missed seeing Sue and Nigel which makes me feel bad - sorry guys. If I missed anyone else on my way round - I'm truly sorry but the last 6 miles took everything I had. My ignorance wasn't intentional.

The question most people are asking right now is - 'will you do it again?' Maybe....but not right now! I would say to anyone contemplating doing a marathon - 'Do London - it's great. Some say it's the best but I don't have anything to compare it to. Also, train like you have never trained before....then train some more - it'll be harder than you think but also better than you could imagine'.

Photos - here

I couldn't have done this without the support and advice from all my friends and especially Marie - it was a major team effort.



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