Monday, 13 April 2009

Two weeks to go till FLM '09

6 months ago I bought a couple of sets of trainers, joined a gym and started building miles, running further and further. I worked on my core fitness. I designed a schedule to work to with the final aim of running 26.2 miles around central London on April 16 2009.

In less than two weeks I will achieve that goal. Many of you have sponsored me - for your support I am grateful. Many of you are about to sponsor me - for that you have my thanks and respect.

If you turn up on the day and are looking for a sweaty hug from me - I'll be keeping roughly to a 5 hour schedule so you know 'when' to find me. You should be able to spot me in the crowd but if you have trouble, my vest has my name on it...

It's one heck of a day for supporters and runners alike. For those watching I'm hoping for sunshine for you but cool temperatures for the runners. You'll have a great day - make sure you support everyone you see running - not just me.

So, having completed an easy 10 miles today - that's not me being arrogant or anything - seriously, the pace was easy and by now the distance is a no-brainer - I looking to carb load and maintain fitness over the next few days aiming to be fresh and ready. This means lots of stretching, light gym work and a 6 miler on Sunday to round off the training.

My new shoes a luverly. They feel like I have worn them forever. They'll be good. My kit choice is ready for the day. I have the ideal sorted with various options for less ideal conditions down to arctic with rain.

That'll be it for now then. Fitness - better than ever. Kit ready - loads of sponsors (more always needed). Timetable done.

Marathon time.

Next post - April 27th.

Wish me luck ;-)

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