Sunday 23 November 2008


As I walked in to work this morning in the miserable weather I thought it odd that I had a little extra spring in my step. Odd considering my calves are a little sore and that weather like this on a Monday morning is not normally condusive to springy steps.

So, why the spring (despite the soreness)? Well, it's partly due to the soreness...I had a great couple of runs over the weekend - 4.5 miles on Friday evening and 10 miles yesterday. Both runs were cold but yesterday had the added spice of being wet for half of it too.

Now, having the right gear really is a big help - I now fully understand the value of being warm but not too warm. Good rest and fuelling are the other two priceless ingredients.

Cutting a long (well 10 mile) stroy short - 1:43 - pb. Chuffed. Sore calves but rest and stretching will get me back on form. I was actually properly running for the last mile but with a nice flat pace line - steady constant pace. I had some left in the tank but I would have had to pace quite differently for a full half marathon.

A summary of last week:

Gym x2
4.5 miles Friday
10 miles Sunday.

Plan for this week:

Gym x2
8-10 miles in two runs during the week
10-12 miles this weekend.

I am certainly not aiming for any more speed runs - just looking to extend endurance now. I guess the cross training is working.

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