Friday, 3 October 2008

Don't panic

Of the goals I set for myself this week I have been to the gym for the PT session and haveeaten reasonably well. No other running took place (although a half hour on the 'mill tonight looks promising) due to work commitments...

I think the best best therefore is to 'front load' my week with immutable running appointments so that I keep up the mid week mileage.

To be frank, at this relatively early stage in the game a slow-ish week is nothing to panic about. To panic and throw in 2 10 mile days in a row to catchup would just lead to inury: not good!

So, sticking with the plan is key - eight miles this weekend and two 3-4 milers mid week is the aim next week. Fingers crossed that works. I'll be back at the gym to do the weights induction and then cracking on as planned with run and cross train sessions.

BTW, I didn't get my ballot place this year but no sweat.

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