Sunday, 28 September 2008

Starting week 2

10 miles on Saturday @ 12 min/m and 143bpm avg heart rate. 143bpm!!! Right in the zone.

2 hours for 10 miles is not a stellar time unless it is a long training run in which case it is right on the money!

So, the plan for this week:

- 6 miles in 2 x 3m easy runs
- See personal trainer @ the Park Club and get a marathon programme setup
- Swim on Sat.
- Eat well.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Week 1

I'm treating this week as week 1 of proper training. With 31 weeks to go I feel I have a decent base to work on. This week has been very good actually. Despite the hard 8m on Sunday I have been really comfortable doing 3 and 4 mile runs this week. Sub 150bpm avg heart rate albeit at sub-marathon pace. This pace is good though - right in my aerobic training zone.

According to Hal Higdon's novice supreme schedule, I am little way ahead of schedule. This is okay though. I aim to be back on schedule 20 weeks in and to ramp up slowly being fit and strong for for Wokingham half in Feb which should actually be an easy run by then (!).

So, 10m on Saturday - easy pace again and I'm starting at The Park Club in East Acton next week.

Monday, 22 September 2008

8 miles

Bloody hard eight miles yesterday. Why so tough? Ten miles two weeks ago was a stroll in comparison.


  • Tired?

  • Fighting a cold?

  • Route - hills

  • Going too fast?

  • All of the above?

Probably the latter. So, take it easy this week with two 40 minute runs - EASY pace. Hopefully sort out the gym membership to get some cross training in and aim for a ten miler before the end of the month. I will do ten miles slower than marathon pace.

Injury free folks!

fastblog is now my official FLM '09 Blog

This is where it gets serious my friends. I have the confirmation, I have the motivation, the fitness is coming on...slowly but there are still 6 months to go to FLM '09

I'll be posting weekly updates on progress and mileage....injuries....blisters...the whole nine yards. I anticipate this'll be an mix of ups and downs over the coming weeks. I hope to make you smile, ponder my sanity, wonder why, maybe even encourage you to have a go at running one day but ultimately to share the awesome experience that is training for and running a marathon.

Wish me luck!