Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Diabetic friendly (I think) cookie/energy shots

The challenge:

This is more of an idea than a recipe. I wanted something to eat pre-workout, pe-run or cycle or just something different for a super quick breakfast. Energy gels just don't do it for me and a lot of other folks. Cake bars are just too much of a sugar hit for a diabetic and a bit too sticky/gooey in the mouth feel dept.

The proposed solution:

In the coming list, when I say 'some' I mean a bit, a handful, a dose, a measure...experiment! There is no right or wrong. Make this food HOW YOU LIKE IT!

So, what's in this stuff?

Some oats.
'Innocent' coconut, pineapple and banana juice (or whatever floats your boat)
Cinnamon - some or more...:-)
Vanilla extract - srsly, go easy here
Chopped/diced dried prunes (stone out, duh!) - plenty!
Peanut butter - crunchy!

I found the peanut butter bit is okay left out. Get the prunes in though - great flavour...some dried apricots instead/as well? Maybe even some dried figs? I'll give that a go next time.

Anyway, mix the whole lot together. Taste IT! The best mix is slightly sticky. Roll it into balls about an inch in diameter. Think small golf ball. 

Grease a baking tray and bake for ten minutes at 180 celsius or bung 'em in the fridge for as long as you least an hour.



Some times I add sesame seeds on the outside or I toast almond flakes and crutch them in the mix.  There are probably many things that would work in this snack.

Let me know if you like these and if you have any other ideas for variations.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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