Sunday, 17 January 2010

Real Time Web Analytics

S'up ya'll?

So 'the kids' greet each other these days. A question. What's happening? An informal contemporary slant on the classic plum filled mouthful: 'How do you do?'.

The desire to acquire information is part of the human condition. The fresher the news the better. This modern media-fueled era provides a massive real-time information stream. Inevitably the majority of the data in the myriad real-time streams is fecund and worthless - still we feel the need to seek out newness. Vanity? Probably...but every so often, as if panning for gold, in the flowing, babbling stream, we find some juicy, valuable nugget of goodness. It's hard to put down after that.

It should already be obvious that the title wraps some context around this missive. I have thought long and hard about the subject of real time web analytics data capture and usage since reading a (typically) cracking post by Avinash Kaushik. In general, I agree with what Avinash (and many others) say on the real time subject but... Always a 'but' ;-)

The post in question was published back in late 2006. Since then, the zeitgeist has changed massively and continues to do so. For example, smarter and more powerful mobile devices coupled with Twitter and Facebook and real-time search results influence how and when our messages to the world are consumed. Sooner! The degree of urgency with which individuals and organisations can now communicate on a global scale is remarkable and, I think, changes the web analytics game somewhat.

Solution in Alpha

I've been trying to find a good name for it. Play around with the word order and you get Web Analytics Real-Time which delivers a less than frisky acronym as a solution title. Imagine the pitch - 'Would you like to see our W.A.R.T.?" Nah. Just doesn't fly.

Forget the product name for now, I am rolling out a private Beta programme for my W.A.R.T. in the next week or so. I'll get a clear idea of scalability, how hard it is to use (knife and fork complexity is the ideal) and with a big nod and doffed cap in the direction of Avinash for the original inspiration, what value can be delivered.

Further posts will reveal more details about what it can do...

And finally...

On a non-technical subject, I would like to re-focus my flying on SSDR Flexwings. I wonder where I can learn flexwings near London?

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