Monday, 21 April 2008

Please support me

In July this year I'll be taking part in a very large running race. Large as in lots of people - not marathon large in distance but more on that in a moment. What The London 10k lacks in terms of killer distance it more than makes up for in terms of participatory scale. Tens of thousands of runners will be taking part and I for one will be doing so in order to raise funds for Diabetes UK. Take a look at the left hand part of this page for the links or if you are too lazy:

Now, as a type II diabetic, I take running quite seriously. I use it to look after myself whilst having fun. I monitor my blood sugar levels before and after running. I listen to what my body is telling me when I run. I still have fun though and supporting races is huge fun too. Come along and shout at me to make me run faster. It does help honest!

My eventual plan is to run the London Marathon in '09. I have set the wheels in motion but taking one step at a time (pardon the pun) I am going to race the 10k first. I'll keep my failthful readers posted on progress.

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