Wednesday, 14 February 2007


There is a new movie out called Hot Fuzz from the same guys who did Shaun of the Dead: Working Title. They were apparently thinking about doing a sequal to SOTD called 'From Dusk Till Shaun'. Neat.

The strap line for Hot Fuzz is 'Small town. Big Cops. Moderate Violence'.

Hmm, since when has violence ever been moderate? Not that Hot Fuzz is guilty of glossing over violence, I see this a lot in TV listings: moderate this, mild that. Like the darker side of the human condition is so easy going. As Grissom says (sort of), 'allowances made by society makes it easy for us to excuse our every action and not take responsibility for what we do'.

:I'm going to inflict mild to moderate violence on you random person
:Okay, violence to my person in moderation I can handle mildly psychopathic man but beyond a modest beating you may struggle to rationalise your already questionable acts

Doesn't quite make sense. Verging on the oxymoronic.

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