Wednesday, 24 June 2009

More yummy flying goodness

So, another 1.3 hours today or 75 mins in real money. 24 degrees C, 10kt wind across the runway with 15kt gusts. Kinda fun! Also a busy circuit. Denham has quite a small circuit, with rotary traffic coming hither and thither students doing glide approaches and go-arounds leads to good fun - as long as you are on top of your game. Am I on top of mine? Well, 3.3 hours in the last two weeks after a one year layoff does not an ace pilot make but I felt I was getting somewhere today - actually driving the plane rather than being driven ;-)

Also, the local area nav is a little different. Simple procedures really but the first time I do it on my own will require 100% focus.

From the base leg on 06 you get a decent view of the city, Wembly (the arch) and Northolt - my back garden! T'other end is lakes - sweet. Nice to have some variety.

Notes to self:

Don't bank too much on climb out turning cross wind.
aim for a shallower than previous landing attitude,.
1000' out to VRPs and then 2300 strictly until clear of LTMA
Avoid Berkhampstead - corner of Luton zone
Aim for Bovingdon (BNN) and then VRPs for rejoin with RT @ BNN

That'll do for now.

Oh, and busier feet pls!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Less than a year has passed since I last flew...

Crikey cripes, lawks and by jimmeny, 364 days since last flight! I noticed this startling fact after my flight @ Denham on Saturday. It's a sad fact that I left it so long but now I am happy to say I still got it! I think I have some way to go to get a shot at Top Gun though. A little rusty in places but generally not too bad.

Denham is a bit different to White Waltham. A much tighter circuit, no overhead joins, a little more procedure on the R/T and some procedures for getting in and out of the zone via a couple of VRPs as Denham is inside the LTMA. Nothing too onerous - actually quite fun as a new challenge.

More to come this Sat!