Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Oh - and by the way....

Worst Film EVER (x100)

Snakes on a plane.

Never watch it. Bad beyond belief. Goes beyond "so bad it's funny". Wasn't funny. "Made me angry bad" is more like it.

Post weekend catch up

Man that was a hot half marathon. Completing that race was tough - well done all!

Finish timeAvg bpm

Well done the (Jenson) Bunsen burner for Monaco - dull race but good result. The question now is not 'if' but 'when'. Singapore?

Right - time for a busy 4 day week.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Yay! Rant time!

First of all - this weekend is the Wokingham Half Marathon.....finally! It was postponed due to the snow in Feb so major credit to the organisers and sponsors for finally holding the race. I hope numbers will be good as the weather is forecast great (too warm?) but it is a bank holiday weekend so will people be off doing other things (like fast Bob?!).

Anyway, I have only trained up to ten miles - fairly comfy but this is the least training I have ever done for a race! I have my new 'marathon spec' sunnies so I'll probably be racing like a 'caged animal' anyway.

Right. This morning. Tube idiocy. So, you get on the train and head for a seat. Do you think the train will start moving at some point? Most non-idiots will hope if not expect the train to start moving fairly soon after the doors close. Why-oh-why do seemingly hundreds of utter brain-dead meat sacks insist on trying to sit down just as the train starts moving resulting in them stamping on my feet and punching me as they try not to fall over. It's all very 'Top Gear' as in - 'How hard can it be?'.....and 'ambitious but rubbish'. Ambitious in so far as these morons leave the house in the morning and try to get through a day without thinking about other humans and expect to not piss other people off. Rubbish in so far as they fail miserably. Morons piss every one off. Member of Parliament morons piss everyone off at the moment. 'I know - I'll make myself excessively rich by pilfering public money...that's bound to remain a great secret and therefore will piss no one off.' Morons. Sack them all. Lumley for PM!

Cretins annoy me.

Misuse of the 'reply-all' button annoys me.

Ignorance, rudeness and prejudice annoys me.

Lacking a sense of humour just encourages me.....*mischief*.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Wah! Google ate my baby!

I have Google alerts set up for various things I am interested in. One of which is Google Analytics. Now, The big G had a routing issue last week apparently. Personally I didn't notice anything - perhaps it was localised? Anyway, the main subject of conversation in my Google Analytics alert was how GA being 'down' stopped sites working. Even the irksome rag 'The London Paper' covered the story with a quote from one poor soul who couldn't use his Internet Banking because the site was waiting for Google Analytics. Now I pity this guys because he is clearly using a substandard site.

Why is the site waiting for GA? In order for GA to do it's thing, it needs to download ga.js or urchin.js from Google...assuming Google is there is course. So in the unlikely event of Google being slow or down


'course if you wanna get real smart, you'll make sure your site is easily configurable to handle third party system outages. Can your site gracefully degrade or does it die in a puddle of it's own piss as most sites seem to causing days of misplaced whining about Google?

Crumbs, the media frenzy is almost at the 'MP's expenses are wrong!' level of froth...

Monday, 11 May 2009

I'm back!

Having rested for two weeks and got my focus back on home, work and non-running projects I decided it was time to start Wokingham Half Marathon preparations. I'm resigned to the fact that this half is not going to be a PB so I just want to make sure I'm reasonably fit....as in I can finish under 2:30!

In the mean time I want to:

Fly (full size, models and kites)
Paint my house
Build a deck
Get a new shed
Build a gym in the garage
Buy a new flat to rent out
Get all the Google qualifications I can for Moneyspyder
Holiday (twice)
Enjoy summer (flying and running)
Get my 10k pb close to 50 mins