I went for a blood test today as part of the 'look after stupid diabetics' thing - it's nice to feel loved but it tends to get in the way sometimes. Anyhoo - I parked up in the Mount Vernon Hospital car park, got tested and got back to the car in 15 mins flat. Neat - efficient health service! Having been to this car park on a few previous occasions I know they sometimes charge for parking but not always...why? Dunno, it's the health service ya know! On this occasion the barrier was down and I needed to pay. 'No sweat' thought I - I have a quid or so in my possession.....TWO POUNDS FRICKIN FIFTY!!!! For 10 minutes parking!!! Outrageous! To top it off, I have £1.08 in my wallet and no notes. I have plastic so I thought any modern hospital will have a cash machine - better go pay up even though I feel mortally insulted... Dutifully trudging off to the main building I remember there is a change machine for notes (money grabbing bastards know when they are on to a nice little earner) but there is no sign of any cash machine. I *do* see a 'parking office' in the foyer however:
me: Is there a cash machine in the hospital?
oaf: No.
me: I've been in the car park for 10 minutes. I only have £1.08. How can I pay this ridiculous fee?
oaf: Gimme a quid and I'll give you a token to get out
me: !
And so I was released for a massive 60% discount!
To anyone who uses Mount Vernon Hospital:Use this technique to not pay exorbitant car park fees.